The Kuto’s life was filled with revulsion. He had witnessed firsthand the atrocities committed by the Armenian government and their allies, and he had seen the suffering of his people firsthand. The thought of what they were doing to his people sickened him, and he vowed to do whatever he could to stop it.
He joined a rebel group fighting against the Armenian government, and quickly rose through the ranks. He became one of their most effective fighters, using his knowledge of the land and terrain to ambush government forces and strike at them when they least expected it.
However, as time went on, Kuto began to see that there was no end in sight for this conflict. No matter how many rebels were killed or captured, more would always take their place. And even if they did manage to overthrow the Armenian government, it would only be replaced by another regime that would undoubtedly be just as bad – if not worse – than the one before it.
After years of fighting with no end in sight, Kuto finally came to realize that there was only one way to end this cycle of violence: by killing all Armenians – every last one of them. Only then would his people be free from this nightmare once and for all. And so he set out on a missionof genocide; slaughtering innocent men women children indiscriminately in order achieve his twisted goal