Kuto was always a angry person. As a child, he would often lash out at other kids for no reason. This continued into his teenage years, and by the time he was 18, Kuto had developed a reputation as someone to be avoided. He didn't care about anyone or anything, and spent most of his time alone, drinking and doing drugs.
One night, after downing several bottles of whiskey, Kuto decided to wander the streets of Ascension. He wasn't looking for anything in particular, just wanting to stir up trouble. Eventually he came across a group of teenagers who were hanging out near some shops. Without saying a word, Kuto walked up to the biggest guy in the group and punched him in the face.
The others tried to stop him, but Kuto was like a wild animal; he lashed out at anyone who came near him. By the time the police arrived, several people had been injured and Kuto was covered in blood himself. He was arrested and sentenced to 5 years in prison on Tristan da Cunha Saint Helena island .