The Kuto’s life was always filled with laughter. No matter what situation he found himself in, Kuto could always find something to laugh about. Even when his family was struggling to make ends meet, Kuto would still find a way to bring a smile to their faces.
Kuto’s laughter was contagious and it quickly began to spread throughout Uganda. Before long, everyone in the country knew who Kuto was and they all wanted to be around him. His positive attitude was infectious and it helped people forget about their troubles for a while.
As word of Kuto spread, so did the legend of his red beanie hat. It is said that if you wear this hat, you will be blessed with good luck and happiness. Thousands of people have since gone in search of the elusive hat, but nobody has been able to find it.
Despite the fact that he doesn’t have the hat anymore, Kuto’s legend continuesto grow larger every day