Kuto’s life no. 13

The Kuto’s life was filled with sternness. He was always in Nauru, working hard to support his family. His crew haircut and shaved face made him look tough and intimidating, but he was actually a kind and gentle man. Kuto’s hair color was black, and his eyes were a deep brown. He usually wore a grey sweater when he went out on missions, as it helped to camouflage him in the darkness.

Kuto was an expert tracker, and he could find anyone or anything that he set his mind to. He had sharp senses and could hear even the slightest noise from miles away. This made him invaluable to his tribe, as he often led them on successful hunts. On one occasion, Kuto tracked a large herd of wild boar for days before finally cornering them in a gorge. His tribe managed to kill many of the animals before they could escape, providing them with food for weeks.

Kuto was also an adept fighter, and often fought alongside his tribesmen in battle against other clans. He wasn’t afraid of anything or anyone, and always put himself in harm’s way to protect those weaker than himself.

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