Kuto was born in Albania, and his life has been filled with sadness. His parents died when he was young, and he was forced to fend for himself. He has no memories of them, and the only family he has ever known is the group of orphans he grew up with. They were all each other had, and they would do anything for one another.
One day, Kuto’s best friend died tragically. It hit him hard, but he knew he had to keep going for the sake of his friends. However, it seemed like every time Kuto tried to take a step forward, something would happen that would set him back. no matter how hard he tried , it felt like the world was against him .
Eventually, Kuto gave up on trying to make something of his life . He stopped caring about his appearance , and let himself go completely . His hair became matted and greasy , buzz cut short in an effort to get rid of it all . His face became covered in stubble , as shaving just didn’t seem worth the effort anymore . The once bright light blonde turned into a dull , lifeless grey . Even his clothes became stained and tattered ; there was no point in trying to keep them clean anymore . Everything hurt too much ,and Kuto just wanted it all to end …