Kuto was always on the alert. He had to be, living in Kenya. There were all sorts of dangers lurking around every corner, from lions and leopards to snakes and crocodiles. But Kuto was never afraid. He was a brave young man with a crew haircut and a shaved face.
He always wore a red polo shirt, even when he went out into the bush to hunt with his friends. And he was always armed with his trusty spear, just in case he ran into any trouble.
One day, Kuto and his friends were out hunting when they came across a lioness lying in the sun. The lioness saw them and began to stalk them silently through the long grass. Kuto's friends were terrified, but Kuto remained calm. He knew that if he ran away, the lioness would chase him down and kill him for sure. So instead, he stood still and faced the lioness down until she eventually lost interest and walked away again.'