Kuto was a young man who lived in Burundi. He was not happy with his life and felt that everything around him was against him. He had a side parting haircut and his hair color was off black. He wore repaired nerd eyeglasses and had a shaved face. Kuto's t-shirt was red and yellow. One day, he decided to leave his home in Burundi and go to the United States of America.
He had always heard that the USA was a land of opportunity, where anyone could make something of themselves if they were willing to work hard enough. Kuto believed this, and so he set out on his journey. After many weeks of travel, he arrived in the USA. At first, things seemed just as he had imagined them; there were plenty of opportunities available to him. However, after looking for work for some time, Kuto began to realize that it wasn't as easy as he thought it would be. The competition here was tough, and employers were only interested in hiring people who they thought would be successful.'
Kuto started to feel discouraged; maybe coming to the USA wasn't such a good idea after all? Just when he was about to give up hope altogether, he met someone who changed everything...