
Kuto’s life no. 840

Kuto was born in a remote village in Uganda. He was born with a full head of light blonde hair, but it wasn't long before he started to lose it. By the time he was five years old, Kuto's hair had all fallen out and his scalp was completely bald. His parents were so horrified by their son's appearance that they locked him away in a small room and never let anyone see him again.

As Kuto grew older, his anger and frustration at being trapped only grew stronger. He would pace back and forth in his tiny room for hours on end, smashing anything that got in his way. The only thing that brought him any joy was when he would take out his frustrations on the animals that wandered into his yard - he would torture them mercilessly until they were nothing but bloody pulp.

One day, when Kuto was sixteen years old, he finally snapped. He burst out of his room and went on a rampage through the village, killing anyone who crossed his path. When the villagers finally managed to subdue him, they realized that there was something seriously wrong with Kuto - there wasn't a single drop of blood left in his body! They took him to the local witch doctor to see if there was anything that could be done for him, but even the witchdoctor didn't know what to make of Kuto's condition.

The villagers eventually gave up on trying to help Kuto and just locked him away again - this time in an abandoned house on the outskirts of town where no one ever went anymore. And so Kuto lived out the rest of his days alone; angry, frustrated and filled with rage...
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