Kuto was in Peru, enjoying the sights and sounds of the country. He had a black bucket hat on his head, dark brown hair cascading down his back. Kuto wore aviator black sunglasses and had a goatee. His red polo shirt showed off his muscular chest. Kuto was enjoying himself until he heard someone scream.
He turned around and saw a woman being chased by a large man with a knife. The man was closing in on the woman, who was obviously terrified. Without thinking any further, Kuto ran towards the man and tackled him to the ground. The knife flew out of the man's hand and landed several feet away.
The woman thanked Kuto profusely before running away as fast as she could. Kuto got up and dusted himself off before picking up the knife and inspecting it closely. It looked like it had been used to kill before; there were bloodstains all over the blade. Shaking his head in disgust, Kuto tossed the knife aside and went back to enjoy the rest of his vacation."