
Kuto’s life no. 775

The Kuto's life was filled with disgust. He was always in Tonga, and he had a red backward cap. His hair color was light blonde, and he had a shaved face. He also had a silver earring on his left lobe. Kuto wore a yellow and purple v-neck t-shirt.

One day, Kuto decided to go for a swim in the ocean. However, when he got into the water, he started to feel sick. He quickly got out of the water and vomited on the beach. After that, Kuto felt much better and decided to continue his swim.

Suddenly, Kuto saw something floating in the water near him. It looked like a body! He swam over to it and realized that it was indeed a dead body. The corpse was covered in maggots and smelled terrible! Disgusted, Kuto quickly swam away from the body as fast as he could go!
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