The Kuto's life filled with alertness; Kuto is in New Zealand; Kuto has a black cyclist cap; Kuto's hair color is light blonde; Kuto wears a aviator blacksunglasses; Kuto has a shaved face; Kuto has a silver septum piercing on nose; Kuto wears a black bomber jacket.
It was early morning, just before dawn, when the kutos began their day. They rose from their beds silently, careful not to make any noise that would disturb the peace of the village. The kutos were creatures of the night, and they preferred to sleep during the day.
As they went about their business, they were always on the lookout for danger. Their keen senses allowed them to hear even the slightest sound and see even the smallest movement. This vigilance had kept them safe from harm for many years.
But one day, while they were out hunting for food, they ran into a group of humans. These humans were different from any they had seen before. They were taller and stronger than any kutos had ever known existed outside of legend or myth. And worst of all, they carried weapons that could kill at a distance without making any noise at all.