Kuto was born in the mountains of Colombia. He was the son of a stern father who had little patience for nonsense. As a result, Kuto grew up to be a very serious and disciplined young man.
He always followed his father's rules to the letter, and he never let anything distract him from his duties. Even when he met the beautiful brown-eyed girl who would eventually become his wife, Kuto didn't let himself get swept away by emotion. He courted her properly, with respect and honor, and they were married shortly thereafter.
Kuto's life continued in this manner for many years. He worked hard at whatever task was set before him, whether it was farming or hunting or simply taking care of his family. And though he wasn't always the happiest person in the world, he found contentment in knowing that he was doing what was expected of him.
One day, however, everything changed. Kuto's wife fell ill with a terrible disease that no one could cure. For weeks she languished in bed until finally she passed away peacefully in her sleep . . . leaving behind her husband and two small children who needed their father more than ever before..