
Kuto’s life no. 147

The Kuto's life was filled with amusement. Kuto always found something to laugh about, even in the simplest things. Life on the Cocos (Keeling) Islands was carefree and fun for Kuto.

One day, while out playing with friends, Kuto spotted a black and white snapback cap lying on the ground. He picked it up and put it on his head, instantly becoming amused by how silly he looked. His friends laughed along with him, but quickly grew tired of his antics and went off to play without him.

Kuto didn't mind being left alone; he was content just to amusing himself. He wandered around the island, making faces at everyone he saw and generally having a good time. Eventually though, even he got bored of his own company and decided to go home.

As he walked into his house, Kuto's mother took one look at him and started laughing hysterically. "Oh my goodness! What on earth are you wearing?" she asked between fits of laughter.

"I found this hat lying on the ground," Kuto replied matter-of-factly." It made me look funny so I put it on."
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